Jan. 2008
New data and pictures for William Dabill 1842 have been added. Thanks to Jenny Dodds for the information
Nov. 2005
As the family pages have been updating to a new format, it has finally been time to update the main family tree view, for more details read this page and also the main news page here
May. 2005
As Dabill.co.uk gets more popular we are being found by more distant relatives.
Look out for more details in the William Dabill / Elizabeth Stafford family
tree as a result of recent contact from my third cousin, once removed !
My father has traced back the family tree to the 5th Great Grandparents of myself John Dabill. All of this data is now in the process of being collated on this web-site, although this is taking some time
November 2005 - The main family tree has been updated to a new format, much more in keeping with the rest of the family pages and the main dabill.co.uk pages. To get the most out of this I suggest you spend a couple of minutes and read the section below entitled how the data is shown so that you are familiar with the new look.
I hope you like the new look - any comments please feel free to mail me at website@dabill.co.uk
The family tree can be seen here at family.dabill.co.uk or by clicking the icon below
Note that the tree will open in a new window
The information is displayed as follows - a family tree starting with my 5th Great Grandparents at the top, working down. To find more details of each of these direct descendants move your mouse over the box and click you will then be taken to a "family page" which provides more details of the individuals, their spouse(s) parents, siblings, and any children.
You will see that many of the names ont he family pages appear as hyperlinks (underlined and in different coloured text) clicking on these will take you to further details of that person, providing details of their spouse for example.
There are a number of pictures in the site, these are generally shown as thumb nails but clicking on the picture will enlarge it. The pictures on the site are compressed for web optimisation, if you want better copies we may have these available, and especially if you have pictures or other material you would like to donate we would be very grateful.
The entire tree would be too massive to display easily so only direct descendants of John Dabill are shown in the main tree, full details of all children and where applicable other branches of the tree are shown on each individual persons page.
Also on the new main family tree you will sometimes see a name in a box, with a small red box to the side. This is an indication that a family tree exists for that person, or branch of the family This has been done to avoid clutter on the main family tree.
See the example below
In this example above if you want to see the family tree for Gertrude Hardeman then simply move your mouse over her name.
The red box on the right hand side of the name indicates a further family tree exists for this branch of the main family, to see this family tree simply click on the red box to be taken to that page.
You can actually try following link on the box above, clicking in the red box will take you to Gertrude Hardeman's parents family page, whilst clicking elsewhere in the box will show you details of Gertrude Hardeman and her husband Edgar Dabill.
To display the information is also not simple. I have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, and as you can imagine the updates are constant so this area of the site is very much still under construction, I intend to add better search facilities in the future to make it easier to get the data that you want.
Do you recognise this, and have some information that will help with our research, then please contact us.
Its now time to try and thank some of those people. Firstly the author wishes to make it clear that much of the hard work with the original research into the dabill family tree was conducted by the authors father. The author of these pages is simply presenting it to you the public in a format that is hopefully easy to follow. The author does however claim full credit for any errors in the data and in the pages here :- )
A special thanks to Des Dabill who has provided much valuable data, pictures and material for the William Dabill 1870 tree. It is thanks to all this additional material that has meant this part of the family tree has been greatly expanded.
Thanks also to those people who have taken the time to contact the author,with information related to the family tree. These include Derrel Treble, Yvonne Mothershaw, Peter Gainsborough, Jenny Dodds.
Thanks to you all, and please if anyone reading this has anything to add, errors to correct, or seeks data themselves, please do not hesitate to contact us.
E-mail us at website@dabill.co.uk